Monday, February 21, 2011

Gaming through the years...

While updating my Facebook page (yes I still have one), I started contemplating my favorite things. I've mentioned my favorite books here, my favorite music, my favorite shoes, but never my favorite games. This is sad because since I was small nerd, I have played video games. I'm going to compile a list of my favorites of all time!

Starting with The Legend of Zelda

It was a great game that I spent countless hours playing as a little kid. This is the game that is in my original NES right now!

Next is Street Fighter II 

I like all of the games in this franchise, but if made to choose, I'm going to pick 2. I guess I just played it more than the others, but it's safe to say I've lost many hours to SF in general. 

Then we have... Mortal Kombat Deception 

The plot of Deception wasn't the greatest, I will admit, but I played the hell out of this game and loved it. Meh!

Then we have a trip into some scary shit with Silent Hill 2

Now for cheesy RPGs I loved Final Fantasy X. Yes I could say Final Fantasy VII was the greatest game ever! and then I would sounds just like everyone else. I liked X and unfortunately never finished it because some asshole stabbed my disc with a pen *super sad face* Note for those who are jealous of games...acting like a bitch doesn't make us want to spend time with you either. Just let us play and then you can get attention. ugh. That being said...ten is my favorite because it was sacrificed like so many others things over the years.

It is mandatory for me to pick a Shooting game, so I'm going to pick Halo 2. No real reason that I can explain why this is my fav Halo. I just like it, okay!

Finally (because I could go on for days) I will give you my all time favorite game. The game that I went without sleep for, without food, without water...the game that I would love to have now and never leave my sofa....Saga Frontier

Asellus was by far my favorite character to play in this game. I wish I still had this one as and learn I guess.

I hope this had made you all reminiscent of games gone by. Until next post...

Oh yeah Happy Dead Presidents Day! (wait..I think that's something entirely you know what I mean!


Drake Sigar said...

Which version of Street Fighter 2? :P

Unknown said...

Aww that's not fair. I had Turbo I think. But I've played all of them at some point.

Unknown said...

Some great games... especially with ya on Zelda and Street Fighter II (any version!) - do you thumbs click from time to time from mashing the joypad with all those fighting games? Combos should come with a health and safety warning :D