Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Scream (1996)

I missed my 100th post!?! How dare I! I had this boring rant about how much blogging has helped me be more constructive with my time, but I'm sure you would rather read something entertaining.

 Anywho, I'm back again with another Terror Tuesday post.

In honor of the release of Scream 4, I'm going old school with....


I liked this movie when it was released, if for nothing but Skeet Ulrich and Matthew Lilliard. The ruggedly handsome "bad boy" and silly comic relief, what's not to love? After seeing it the first time, I'd recommend not watching it for a decade or so. The surprises aren't the same when you can quote the lines. I'm sure most of you have already seen it, but if it's been a while, watch it again for old time's sake.


Dr Blood said...

Good choice. I was thinking of watching the whole trilogy again too before the new one comes out but, like you say, I still remember far too much about them to enjoy them right now.

D4 said...

Ah, classic. I remember my father falling asleep and me sneaking into the room to watch it. Good times.

Atley said...

You said " I can usually be found at the end of my proverbial rope" in your about me section. I find it funny you have to say "proverbial" instead of it being implied. Your funny. Following!

Zombie said...

Ya cant mess with the slasher classics!

Unknown said...

Some folks don't get the implied and wanna think I'm suicidal or something...I have to be clear! ;D