Monday, March 29, 2010

Is this typical student behavior?

I have grown more aware that my perfect grade point average is slipping away slowly. Could this be because I have stopped taking my classes seriously? Am I not putting forth the effort to get the work done? The answer to both of these is yes! But how do I make the necessary changes to complete assignments (on time) and get the grades I've worked so hard to keep while in college? I just looked at my grades for last week, and am appalled that I would fall so fast. I love that my professor grades my essays with lots of red marks; however, I do not like to see so many. I find myself hurt and disgusted that I made an 85 on an essay that I could have easily made a much better grade. This is what happens when I wait until the last minute to do my work! I need motivation! After some online research I found a site that should help. Household notebook provides printable lists to help you complete tasks. I know being more organized will be tremendously helpful, but is it enough? No, I don't think just organizing my life is going to bring my motivation back. My plan is simple...Everything is due by Tuesday night at 11pm. Start my assignments on Wednesday before they are actually due! This gives me a week to make them perfect and I don't have to endure the stress of trying to turn in crappy work by the deadline. The question is how to make myself do homework on Wednesday...

1 comment:

Catherine Jones McClarin said...

This will probably sound awful to you, but I make it a habit to avoid hiring folks who had perfect grade point averages in college. I want someone who had a life beyond the classroom. It's great if that life included helping other people, but I would even prefer someone who hung out with friends over someone who spent 100% of their time studying. I do think hard work in college is important, but it isn't everything!!! (I do think you need to feel good about your choices though!) I wish you luck as you move forward. I predict that you will do great!