This is one of those that makes me refuse to sleep for days. No child should be allowed to watch it, ever! To be honest, this one scared me to a point that no other film has touched before or since. I've thought of watching it again all these years later and just can't...
It has great actors, an amazing story, and terror like no other. Watch it, if you dare, but don't say you haven't been warned!
It was essentially Hellraiser in space, but that being said, how creepy is Sam Neill in this movie. One thing though, same thing I wondered with Alien. How do you smoke cigs on a space ship? Then again, how was there lightning in space?
I liked it !
What? It's that scary???
I've never heard of it, but I want to check it out now. Been a while since I watched a scary movie.
I haven't seen this. I haven't heard of this. And yet it sounds like so much fun! Will get my hands on thisss
It was good. I just felt like it didn't live up to Aliens. But hey, few movies can.
It was essentially Hellraiser in space, but that being said, how creepy is Sam Neill in this movie. One thing though, same thing I wondered with Alien. How do you smoke cigs on a space ship? Then again, how was there lightning in space?
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